Our Blog Posts

Speed Boost your website and rank higher in Google.

Speed Boost your website and rank higher in Google.

We’ve written a number of articles regarding this, but it’s commonly perceived that the SEO market is a scary place and has a reputation for shady deals, false promises and underwhelming results. NW Design decided to offer an alternative to all the doom and gloom, giving our clients a reliable source of Search Engine Optimisation with recorded improvements. ...

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Website Development for ICE2U

Website Development for ICE2U

We were recently commissioned to develop a modern looking responsive website for ICE2U UK, the leaders in ice manufacture and delivery. Looking for Ice Cube Delivery? Then look no further than ICE2U. ...

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Design for the Wind Turbine Sector

Design for the Wind Turbine Sector

It’s always great for any company to receive new enquiries and when we were contacted a week ago by Warrington based business Windtex with the opportunity to work with them on an urgent exhibition project as always we were happy to assist. ...

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Self Defence Brochure Design & Print

Self Defence Brochure Design & Print

Back in June 2018, we had the pleasure of meeting the team behind new start business Specialised Safety Development. Over the past 10 months, we’ve worked with Sam and Derek on numerous projects, including the initial development of their brand SSD. ...

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Variable Data Printing for Personalised Marketing

Variable Data Printing for Personalised Marketing

It’s been around for years yet most of our customers aren’t aware of what it is. Consider it a hybrid of printed design and marketing. Variable Data Printing or VDP for short is a type of digital printing where elements such as text, graphics or images may be changed from one printed piece to the next. ...

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Online Reviews | Digital Word-Of-Mouth

Online Reviews | Digital Word-Of-Mouth

As more of us start to spend more and more time online we’ve realised that reviews are an important part of life, this goes for both businesses and consumers. How often have we checked a companies reviews before booking a hotel, purchasing online or booking a table at a restaurant? The ability to find out what other customers think has never so easy, how does your business handle reviews? ...

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Charity Christmas Poster Design

Charity Christmas Poster Design

It's that time of year again, Christmas is fast approaching and working with one of our closest charities, Wigan and Leigh Hospice we've created them a new Charity Christmas Poster. ...

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MTM Presentations CMS Website

MTM Presentations CMS Website

Recently we were asked to re-build a website that was built by someone else using Adobe Muse. The customer required a  responsiv­e website, that was easy to edit and fast. It was the perfect project for our scalable PHP Framework "Firefly" we've been developing over the past 18 months. ...

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440 Pages Of Beauty

440 Pages Of Beauty

It’s fair to say we’ve been extremely busy this year so far. We had a monster of a job land on our desk back in January but it’s finally finished. Well, the printed proofs are, check out this 440 page perfect bound brochure and technical data manual we’ve just designed, printed and delivered. We certainly burnt the midnight oil on this one.. ...

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