What does #ff mean? - Twitter Tips

What does #ff mean? - Twitter Tips


Since doing our Blog post on using Twitter #Hashtags Part 1 we decided to elaborate on some more abbreviated Twitter terms. We’re asked by clients all the time about how they can get involved in Twitter and what all the abbreviated terms mean. I always say that you’re only allowed 140 characters in a tweet so sometimes you need to keep things short and sweet to portray your message. We’ve been asked recently by what is the #ff that they see in their newsfeed every Friday… Well here goes.

What does #ff mean? | Hashtags

#FF = Is used by twitter users to mention tweeters in an online event known to us as Follow Friday. A basic tweet would be to use someone’s screen name followed by #ff (for example “@nwdesign #ff”). This would be a twitter user’s way of sharing with the world that they not only approve of ones tweets, but hope you too will follow them on Twitter. In short  it's about promoting an interesting Twitter user and helping them get more followers

  • Pick some friends and followers. To get involved in #FF pick some friends and followers who you interact with and feel they offer something valuable to Twitter.
  • Start your #FF tweet. Start typing those screen names Twitter field provided, or using a Twitter app. Don't forget to add the @ at symbol before their screen name, and separate them with a comma. For example, @nwdesign, @FPSBS, @dantefsgroup, etc. etc.
  • Finally add your #FF hashtag. Before you hit your 140 character limit don’t forget to add the #ff hashtag to the end of your tweet. Tweeps in the know will understand.

Congratulations you've just participated in your first ever #ff Follow Friday! Show us some love and send some #FF our way @nwdesign if you found this helpful.