Twitter – The #Hashtag Part 1

Twitter – The #Hashtag Part 1


So like many; you ventured to the land of Twitter. It’s a vast world and can often be a little confusing to navigate at first. The #hashtag is one of the most important ways of organising twitter information. Anyone can make use of the #hashtag by simply typing “#topic” in a tweet. For demonstration purposes if you were to tweet about reading this blog post, you may say “Reading #nwdesign article on using #hashtags with #twitter.” So anyone searching for #nwdesign, #hashtags or #twitter would see your tweet. Once you’ve created a hashtag, other Twitter users can then use that hashtag in their own tweets to expand the conversation on that topic to a larger audience. Hashtags are created by Twitter users and not Twitter and therefore can be as general “#socialmedia” or as specific “#nwdesign” as desired.